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Thwaing Ching U Marma

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Thwaing Ching U Marma

This is Ruci's Created blog for freedom of expression and writings. Ruci will dedicated alot of times in this blog. Thank you for visiting my page.

Thwaing Ching U Marma

This is Ruci's Created blog for freedom of expression and writings. Ruci will dedicated alot of times in this blog. Thank you for visiting my page.

Thwaing Ching U Marma

This is Ruci's Created blog for freedom of expression and writings. Ruci will dedicated alot of times in this blog. Thank you for visiting my page.

Thwaing Ching U Marma

This is Ruci's Created blog for freedom of expression and writings. Ruci will dedicated alot of times in this blog. Thank you for visiting my page.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Buddhism and Love of Nature

Buddhism and Love of Nature - by Ruci

Buddhism is much to say about nature and love of it. Sometimes we are not concern about it that modern days people are suffering from natural disaster and violence towards nature. From even life of the Buddha we clearly see that Buddha loves the nature.

Buddha was born under a tree, got enlightenment under a tree and passed away under a tree. And in Vinaya Pitaka, in many places we see that, even urinating or pouring hot water on the newly grown grass bad. If a man got shelter under a shady tree, and sleeps under a tree and when he goes a way breaking a branch of it; he is a bad friend. Even Buddha stopped the two group of people fighting over a river.

Buddha's building up a community of monks can be seen in a good way like, he has planned to reduced human population in the future by ordaining monks and nuns. Now a day, alot of human population. They fight for almost everything. Now countries are divided and missiles launching, and bombing everywhere and cutting down trees and forests in search of building houses and factories. The nature has enough to shelter us, but too greedy people are living in this world, not to share but to fight and store food. Human beings have harmed alot to nature, now a day alot of warnings from the nature, showing us by Tsunami, earth quack, flood etc.

Venerable Zhuan Xhang

This venerable had an adventure history where he was ordained as Buddhist novice in a monastery in China. He journeyed to India to study Buddhist scriptures and Sanskrit. He used to live many many hudreds years ago where long journey could be taken only with horses and carts by land. So, he traveled with a horse and in the "Journey to the West" story, it shows that, he found three great disciples one of them was a monkey. The movie is still famous in China. This monk determination and motivation let him traveled to India with difficulties. After he arrived in Indian, he learned everything he could learn. He has left history behind everywhere when we read the history of Buddhism. He wrote down few books and even carried to China as i know and spread Buddhism in China and on the way he has faced. His works and times were recorded in few books of Buddhism and even a big memorial temple in his name in India.

Today i would like to share an idea i heard from the Buddhism in Thailand class. Teacher said that there are four wives of a man.
1. He loves the first wife and take her everywhere.
2. He loves the 2nd wife too but not take her everywhere.
3. He loves the 3rd wife little.
4. He does not like the 4th wife.

He came to a point that he has to die. Before his dead, he would like to talk to his four wives. He asked the first wife whom he loves the most that he would die soon. But his wife replied him that if he dies, that's the end. He felt sad and went to 2nd wife. He asked the same question and 2nd wife replied that if he dies, she would marry another man. He felt very sad and went to 3rd one, then he asked her the same question but 3rd wife replied her that she would go with him upto the cemetery after his dead. He was little happy to hear that. Then he went to the last one and asked the same question, but she replied him that she would die together with him when he dies.

This shows of an important insight views to realize the reality.

1. First one shows of our body. We take care and loves it and take everywhere we go. But it if the body dies, that's the end.
2. Second one shows of our wealth, house, cars and money. The wealth would be owned by someone else after our dead.
3. Third one shows of our family members. Family members would join dead ceremony and upto the cemetery after our dead.
4. Fourth one shows of our merits and demerits we did which would go along with us after our dead.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Virende Sehwag

Virender Sehwag recently made 219 runs in ODI and he was the 1st one to reach over 200 runs in an inning in ODI and Sachin Tendulkar is 200. He has constructed an extraordinary career with a relentless quest, and a genius, for boundary hitting. With minimal footwork but maximum intent, he has piled Test runs at a faster pace than anyone in the history of cricket. Bowlers must always fancy their chances against a batsman who plays so many strokes; it's just that Sehwag fancies his chances against them much more.

Introduction to Marma people in Bangladesh

Marma people are 2nd largest ethnic group in Bangladesh. There are more than 12 ethnic races which can be said that they speak different languages. Majority of Marma people live in Khaggrachari, Bandarban and Rangamati. The culture of Marma people are not so different from Burmese or Myanmar people. The dialect are also similar, written script are also similar and Marma people are innocent and love the peaceful way of living. Marma people are also known as a kind of Arakanese people of Myanmar from Arakan district. Not long before, the title of Marma was given by Bomong Raja as he was the chief and king of Marma tribe. Marma has been living in Bangladesh in Chittagong for many many centuries. and upto 16th century, Marma or Arakanese people used to rule in different parts of Bangladesh. Before the arrival of Muslims domination in West of India, the most area of Bangladesh were ruled by some ethnic, tribal, but after the seperation of Pakistan country from India, the Islamic domination was too powerful for these people and so many innocent has fled to many parts of the India. Again Pakistan was seperated West Pakistan and East Pakistan and formed an independent country as Bangladesh today. Marma people still remain in Chittagong with many tribal people. Marma people are known as faithful Theravada Buddhists. In few archaeological view, some few Buddha's statues are found in different parts of Chittagong and shows that in the past, majority Buddhist people used to live in Bangladesh but now with the arrival of Islam and Muslims population domination, many have lost lands and living security in three hill districts Rangamati, Khaggrachari and Bandarban.


The cricket is a sport. It is played in Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indian, West Indies, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Now it is well-known sport through out the world and now new countries are playing which can be said as Canada, Burmuda, Afghanistan, Iran, Nepal etc. There is recently woman cricket which has played in many countries too. I have heard that, the Olympic in England will be introduced T20 Cricket Matches for the first time. So, due to that, few more countries are interested including China, Thailand and few European countries too. Actually, cricket is an interesting sport little similar as baseball and the team who gets more runs is the winner. Hitting the ball and running for runs are important with 10 wickets in each team.

Economy World

The world is in globalization and americanization. The world whole is a market and whatever we do and did are connected. When a country get into a serious political and economy crisis, the whole world has to face it. So, businesses and the people in the world has become concern each other and workers are also dependent in each other globolization.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Belief of Ghosts in Buddhism

Buddhists people belief in ghosts. The ghosts in Buddhism sometimes can be categorized as Peta. Sometimes hungry ghosts are known in Buddhism. In Buddha's time, King Bimbisara told the Buddha that he can not sleep with so many noise made around by some hungry ghost disturbing him. When he reported to the Buddha, Buddha told that those hungry ghosts are his past relatives to whom he promised to share the merits to them. That's why they were asking and asking a share of merits to be reborn in a higher realms.

A group of monks about more than 600 were meditating in Putthamonthon few years when 2 monks told to the meditation masters that 2 ghosts came and asked them a share of merits. From then on, every full moon day (WanPhra) who participate in meditation campaign there chant parittas and share merits to those dead and ghosts who were suffering in the lower realm of existence.

Introduction to Buddhism and Superstitious Belief

Buddhism is more than 2500 years old. The teachings of the Buddha has been recorded in Tipitaka. The Tipitaka is known as the Three Baskets which contains Disciplinary Codes for monks and nuns, Teachings of Buddha and Abhidhamma.

Many Buddhists people have developed many kinds of belief since many centuries ago. Buddha himself said in Kalama Sutta not to simple belief by hearing, seeing and reading unless we know ourself with common sense and wisdom. He even told us that we are our own saviour, no one can save us. And he told to the disciples that, if anyone sees Dhamma means sees the Buddha. Dhamma and Vinaya would be the teacher after Buddha's passing away.

These days, many Buddhist people without much understanding the teachings of the Buddha develop some kinds of belief which Buddha never encouraged. But certain things are acceptable for the spreading of Buddhism. As we know that, Buddhism in few countries like Thailand, Cambodia, Laos etc, are practised with few mixture of Buddhism, Brahmanism and Hinduism. Few ceremonies are conducted by some Brahmins. In few Wats (temples), there are some Shivalinga, some Mahayana Bodhisattvas with many hands, few amulets are sold and many kinds of gods and goddesses images. Ofcourse for few people, the belief is too strong and can be seperated from them. Many people are happy by belief those. But Thailand, Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar and Sri Lanka are recongnised as Theravada Buddhist countries while China, Japan, Korea, Tibet and Vietnam are known as Mahayana Buddhist countries. But many wise Buddhist teachers encouraged mostly on meditation which are better for many people in modern days.

It is acceptable that people can not stay without changing their feelings. Because of changes of feelings, there arise some problems in life. For some relationship, it is hard to keep same feelings and the changes can hurt each other later.

Friday, December 23, 2011

United Nation (UN)

I am inspired by United Nation works because it helps the huminity and the world. No matter it is big or small UN does, but i can say it is great!
'The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights.

Due to its unique international character, and the powers vested in its founding Charter, the Organization can take action on a wide range of issues, and provide a forum for its 193 Member States to express their views, through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and other bodies and committees.

The work of the United Nations reaches every corner of the globe. Although best known for peacekeeping, peacebuilding, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance, there are many other ways the United Nations and its System (specialized agencies, funds and programmes) affect our lives and make the world a better place. The Organization works on a broad range of fundamental issues, from sustainable development, environment and refugees protection, disaster relief, counter terrorism, disarmament and non-proliferation, to promoting democracy, human rights, gender equality and the advancement of women, governance, economic and social development and international health, clearing landmines, expanding food production, and more, in order to achieve its goals and coordinate efforts for a safer world for this and future generations.'

The Four Main Purpose UN Aim:

  • To keep peace throughout the world;
  • To develop friendly relations among nations;
  • To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms;
  • To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.

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