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Thwaing Ching U Marma

This is Ruci's Created blog for freedom of expression and writings. Ruci will dedicated alot of times in this blog. Thank you for visiting my page.

Thwaing Ching U Marma

This is Ruci's Created blog for freedom of expression and writings. Ruci will dedicated alot of times in this blog. Thank you for visiting my page.

Thwaing Ching U Marma

This is Ruci's Created blog for freedom of expression and writings. Ruci will dedicated alot of times in this blog. Thank you for visiting my page.

Thwaing Ching U Marma

This is Ruci's Created blog for freedom of expression and writings. Ruci will dedicated alot of times in this blog. Thank you for visiting my page.

Thwaing Ching U Marma

This is Ruci's Created blog for freedom of expression and writings. Ruci will dedicated alot of times in this blog. Thank you for visiting my page.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Wise Sayings

Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.
- Jimi Hendrix
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me !
Only the wisest and the stupidest of men never change.
- Confucius
Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.
Those who criticize our generation forget who raised it.
Criticizing is easy, art is difficult.
Violence won’t solve a thing. It makes it more challenging to solve, though.
I don’t know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.
- Bill Cosby
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
Not to care for philosophy is to be a true philospher.
The mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work unless it’s open.
The best mind-altering drug is truth.
Be wiser than other people if you can, but do not tell them so.
- Lord Chesterfield
Don’t look where you fall, but where you slipped.
Never forget what a man says to you when he is angry.
- Henry Ward Beecher
A winner listens, a loser just waits until it is their turn to talk.
Guns don’t kill people — people do.
He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.
- Lao Tzu
If you are not part of the cure, then you are part of the problem.
The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them.
Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.
- Jonathan Kozel
The best things in life are not things.
An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
- Benjamin Franklin
You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.
One should always play fair when one has the winning cards.
- Oscar Wilde
Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.
Beware of a man of one book.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
He who knows others is learned; he who knows himself is wise.


There is a saying in Tibetan that “at the door of the miserable rich man sleeps the contented beggar.” The point of this saying is not that poverty is a virtue, but that happiness does not come from wealth, but from setting limits to one’s desires, and living within those limits with satisfaction. --> Dalai Lama

Buddhism and Quotes

In what is seen, there should be just the seen;
In what is heard, there should be just the heard;
In what is sensed, there should be just the sensed;
In what is thought, there should be just the thought.
He should not kill a living being, nor cause it to be killed, nor should he incite another to kill.
Do not injure any being, either strong or weak in the world.
Sutta Nipata II,14

Quotes on Buddhism

Develop the mind of equilibrium.
You will always be getting praise and blame,
but do not let either affect the poise of the mind:
follow the calmness, the absence of pride.
Sutta Nipata

One day Ananda, who had been thinking deeply about things for a while, turned to the Buddha and exclaimed:
"Lord, I've been thinking- spiritual friendship is at least half of the spiritual life!"
The Buddha replied: "Say not so, Ananda, say not so. Spiritual friendship is the whole of the spiritual life!"
Samyutta Nikaya, Verse 2

Buddhism and Quotes

Buddhism has many wise sayings

Monday, January 9, 2012

Introduction to The First Buddhist Council and the Bhāņakas

            In ancient India recitation and memorization were regarded as the only means for the preservation of records. From the vedic records it is known that this practice was followed in India in the early vedic period. Thought the succession of teachers, the Buddha’s speeches, sayings, discourse and conversation were handed down orally from generation to generation. It should be noted that at the time nobody took the serious notice to preserve the Buddha’s actual words properly. It is told in the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta of Dīghanikāya that the Buddha himself has told his disciples someday there will be a misinterpretation of his doctrine or teaching and for this reason the Buddha gave them a talk and wanted to verify his words in four days. He feared that His teachings might be misrepresented and for this reason he warned them to be realized that His prophesy came true and they faced various difficulties in the Saºgha. When all the Buddha’s followers with the exception of Anāgamis and Arahants were plunged in deep grief and were weeping and lamenting, but and immoral Bhikkhu named Subhadda., Who had entered the order in his old age, was the only one that rejoiced over his death.

So these unexpected words fell from the lips of a disciple, alarmed to hear these words and they thought that his talks might disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the Sangha. And it induced venerable Mahākassapa, the third chief disciple of the Buddha to hold a council of leading Arahants in order to protect and fortify the Sasana. In the history of Buddhism this council became known as the first Buddhist council. In this council the Dharma and the Vinaya were settled. At that time there was no separate existence of the Abhidhamma. It was then regarded as the part of the Dharma. It is to be noted that the traditionl teachings of the Buddha were then collected under the two principal divisions, which were known as the Dharma and Vinaya.

From the time of the Buddha until first century A.D. Buddhist teachings were preserved in oral tradition. From generation to generation, different portions of teachings were handed down. The first beginning of this tradition, which is called Bhānakas, was at the first Buddhist council. According to the Pali records available today on the first Buddhist council after the collection and classification of the teachings. They were entrusted to different groups of monks their duty was to learn by hard the given teachings, protect it well, not allow it to be polluted and handed down the teachings to next generation safely to be protected for future. In this process learning by hard and constant reciting was very important. Therefore these monks came to be called reciters (Bhānakas).

From the five hundred monks who participated in the first Buddhist council, a few prominent monks were selected to be the heads of the Bhānakas. At the first council the teachings of the Buddha, both the Dharma and Vinaya, were entrusted to monks as follows.         
                                 Teachings                          Bhāņakas
Vinaya pitaka
Ven. Upali and his disciples
Ven. Ānanda and his disciples
Disciples of Ven. Sāriputta
Ven. Mahākassapa and disciples
Ven. Anuruddha and his disciples
Khuddakanikāya including Abhidhamma pitaka
All monks


The Tipitaka is an extensive body of canonical Pāli literature in which are enshrined the teaching of Gotama Buddha expounded for forty-five years form the time of his enlightenment to Parinibbāna.

The discourses of the Buddha in Dīgha covers a vast area of subjects and are made up of exhortations, expositions and injunctions. The general discourses and sermons given in this are intended mostly for both the Bhikkhus and lay disciples, delivered by the Buddha on various occasion together with a few discourses delivered by some of the distinguished disciples, are collected and classified in great divisions known as the Suttanta pitaka.

The philosophy aspect of the Buddha’s teaching, more profound and abstract then the discourses of the Suttanta pitaka, is classified under the great divisions known as the Abidhamma Pitaka. Abhidhamma deals with ultimate Truths, expounds ultimate truths and investigate mind, matter, and the relationship between them.

            All that the Buddha’s taught forms the subject matter and substance of the Pāli canon, which is divided into these three divisions called Pitakas. Literally it means three baskets or three separate divisions of the Buddha’s teaching.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk living in France. He teaches about peace in a simple English and can be understood by anyone. These two pictures can show some deeper thought to you. Just see them and try to understand the short advise in them.

Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama importantly talked on how Compassion (Karuna) can change the human beings and the world. The four things are important thinking them in the bigger perspective.
  1. Universal humanitarianism is essential to solve global problems;
  2. Compassion is the pillar of world peace;
  3. All world religions are already for world peace in this way, as are all humanitarians of whatever ideology;
  4. Each individual has a universal responsibility to shape institutions to serve human needs.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

World's Oldest Chicken

Usually chicken only live about 8-9 years old and then died, but this chicken breaks the world’s records as the chicken with the longest life span. A 77 years old man named Yang Shaofudari from Sidazhuang Baoshan Village Yunnan Province China is proposing to pets named in the Guinness Book world record book, where Yang has a chicken that has been aged 22 years or equal with 400 years human age.
One local veterinarian said at the Xiamen Daily News that chickens generally have 8-9 years of age can occasionally longer until 12 years but it is very difficult to find a chicken that was more than that.
Until now, the chicken which he bought on 1988 was still alive and healthy, but it’s just a lot of her appetite has decreased. Yang gave it corn and other animal feed for his chicken. The Owner is determined to care for these pets to death.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Nalanda, one of the first great universities recorded in history was established in Takshila, India in 700BC. It accommodated over 2,000 teachers and 10,000 students from all over the world and studied more than 60 subjects. The subjects taught at Nalanda University covered every field of learning, and it attracted pupils and scholars from Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, Persia and Turkey.

On 13 September 2010, the Jakarta Globe Reported Parliament in New Delhi passed a bill approving plans to rebuild the campus as a symbol of India’s global ambitions.

Unconditional Love

A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Franciso.
"Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask. I have a friend I'd like to bring home with me"
"Sure," they replied, "we'd love to meet him." "There's something you should know the son continued, "he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."
"I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live."
"No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us." "Son," said the father, "you don't know what you're asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can't let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live his own."
At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few a days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police.
Their son had died after falling from a building, they were told. The police believed it was suicide.
The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son.
They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know.
Their son had only one hand and one leg.


THE SAILING STONES , also referred to as sliding rocks or moving rocks, are a geological puzzling phenomenon found in California, Death Valley. These rocks, some as heavy as 300 Kilograms, are mysteriously transported across a virtually flat desert plain without human or animal intervention, leaving erratic trails in the hard mud behind them, some hundreds of yards long. They move by some mysterious force, and in the nine decades since we have known about them, no-one has ever seen them in motion.

A Blind Girl

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. she hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. he was always there for her. she said that if one day she could see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

one day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and she could see everything, including her boyfriend. her boyfriend asked her, " now that you can see the world, will you marry me? " the girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too and refused to marry him.her boyfriend walked away in tears, and wrote a letter to her saying... " just take care of my eyes dear. i'll always love you forever… ”

this is how human brain changes when the status changed. only few remember what life was before, and who's always been there even in the most painful situations...

Cheers & Have A Nice Day

A wise man once sat in the audience & cracked a joke.

All laughed like crazy. After a moment he cracked the same joke again and a little less people laughed this time.
He cracked the same joke again & again, when there was no laughter in the crowd,
he smiled and said,

“When u can’t laugh on the same joke again & again, then why do u keep crying over the same thing over and over again”
‘Learn to move on’…
Cheers & Have A Nice Day!!!!


In 1895, at the age of 17, Einstein, one of the greatest minds ever born actually failed his university entrance exam into the Swiss Federal Polytechnical School. Actually he passed the Science and the Math sections, but failed in the rest of it like History and Geography. When asked later about this, he said that they were too boring and he didn’t feel like answering them correctly!

Ten Nations Where Facebook Rules The Internet

Ten Nations Where Facebook Rules The Internet
10. Venezuela Facebook: 86.2%
9. Colombia Facebook: 86.9%
8. Peru Facebook: 87.2%
7. Indonesia Facebook: 87.5%
6. Malaysia Facebook: 88.4%
5. Argentina Facebook: 89.2%
4. Chile Facebook: 90.2%
3. Turkey Facebook: 90.9%
2. Israel Facebook: 91.0%
1. PHILIPPINES Facebook: 93.9%

Ancient Sea Monsters

Oarfish, also known as ribbonfish and king of herrings, is a deep water creature that can grow up to a size of 50 feet (15 meters) in length and weigh up to 600 pounds (272 kg). This deep sea creature is officially the longest bony fish living at a depth of between 66 feet and 1000 feet. It is known that when oarfish gets sick or is near to death it comes on the surface of the water and sometimes to the shore, that’s why we have ancient tales of seeing sea serpents coming out of the water surface. A 16 feet oarfish that was found on the shore of Bermuda beach in 1860 was described as sea serpent (image below). There are no scales on the fish and it’s not edible due to its gelatinous flesh.

A girl and a guy are on a motorcycle

Girl: This is really scary, slow down!
Guy: No, I'm having too much fun!
Girl: Please stop!
Guy: First hug me
Girl: *hugs*
Guy: Tell me you love me
Girl:I love you, can you slow down now?
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me
Girl: *puts on helmet*

Next Day's Headlines:
There was an accident involving a motocycle accident.
There were two people riding the motorcycle at the time of impact.
The vehicle was speeding out of control
and drove off road and into a building.
Only one of the two people died.

What Really Happened:
Half way through the ride the guy noticed that the brakes were gone,
but he didn't want to scare the girl.
So he got her to hug him one last time,
and to know that she loved him.
He got her to wear the helmet so that if they did crash,
that she would survive,
although that meant that he had to die...


 Here is something to share to all my friends who has watched Titinic movies so many times. The facts are very true!

-March 31, 1909 in Belfast (Ireland)

-The Titanic was constructed by the Harland & Wolff company

- Titanic construction took about 3 years and $7.5 million to complete

- It took around 3000 laborers to construct the Titanic
- Of the 2, 227 people aboard the Titanic, only 705 survived

- Many Titanic survivor diaries were discovered and illustrated the despair involved with the Titanic

- The death of Captain Edward Smith is a topic of debate; many think the Titanic could have been saved if he acted differently, some think not

- The Titanic struck an iceberg in the Atlant ocean near the cost of Newfoundland shortly before Midnight, April 14, 1912

- The Titanic movie was nominated for 14 Oscars and won 11 of them making it the first film to win that many

- In 1997 it became the highest grossing film of all time, it now ranks 6th in North America

- No individuals with the same name as Leonardo DiCaprio (Jack Dawson) and Kate Winslett (Rose DeWitt Bukater) were on the ship

The huge crocodile caught in Manilla, Philippines

Friends are Our Family too

Friends are also our family. The family is not always our blood relations but friends are people in our life who want to be part of our lives. They are the people who would be with us in life. So, let's value their friendship and take them as our own family.

Father Loves for a Daughter

This short story is taken from Facebook. The love of father for this innocent daughter was so deep. One day an 11 year old girl asked her daddy,
"What are you going to get me for my 15th birthday?"
The father replied, "There is much time left."
When the girl was 14 she fainted and was rushed to the hospital.
The doctor came out and told her dad she had a bad heart& she is probably gonna die
... When she was lying in the hospital bed she said
"Daddy,. have they told you i am going to die ?"
The father replied no you will live as he left weeping.
She said "How can you be sure."
He turned around from the door and said "I know."
She turns 15 when she is recovering and comes home to find a letter on her bed. It says ;
"My Dearest Daughter, if you are reading this it means all went well as I told you. One day you asked me what I was giving you for your 15th birthday, I didn't know then but now my preasent to you is a MY HEART."

Her father donated his heart♥

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Democracy in Buddhism

Buddha is the first one who introduced the democracy. When he was enlightened, he found many disciples who could follow him. But as 20 years passed, alot of monks and lay community built, and few criticism arose, then Buddha gave few disciplinary rules to follow everytime there arose some problems. Buddha even sent 60 Arahants to different parts of India to preach and advise people. Buddha had connection with kings, millionaires, rice and poor people equally.

Buddha even knew that, these monks are good for this thing and those monks are good for that thing etc. In modern day, in Thailand even, we find Sangha Administration Act:
  • Council of the elders (Sangha Supreme Council)
  • the supreme patriarch
  • the sangha sabha (parliament)
  • Gana Sanghamontri (cabinet)\
  • the sangha Nayaka (prime minister)
  • Sanghamontri (minister) etc.
  • - Mahadherasamakom (council of the Elders)
  • the Supreme Patriarch
  • Team of Senior Monks Working for the Supreme Patriarch

Dhamma in Daily Life

We never know that our life would be so meaningful if we apply Dhamma in our daily life and activities. Some people know the secret of how to be peaceful while they enjoy the action they do. Some people do action with their mindfulness and awareness by which means they are calm and attentive in what they are doing without regret. Buddhism is more like lively and applicable teachings in our life. Life could be so meaningful if we know how to practise and use the time constantly calm with mindful.

There are many things in life which can be hectic to our life and sometimes we feel boring and tiring with our life. So, when we practise the daily meditation in our works there can not be a day of boring, every action we do would be meaningful and nice. Just like once Thich Nhat Hanh told that anyone can be happy even while they enjoy a cup of tea with awareness and calmness in their mind.

Meditate on Full Moon

Meditation is very important. Buddhist poeple meditate especially on Full Moon days. There are some lunatic which is said that some people becomes lunatic because the power of the moon can do some strange thing to the brain and some do many strange things or feelings on Full Moon Days. If we see the river, ocean or lake, you will see and observe some special things in them.

Meditation can save you from many life obstacles and danger. People with calm mind can know and observe the feelings and their actions. So, let's pay some attention to our feelings and mind especially on Full moon days and ofcourse there are half-moon, quater moon, Full Moon etc.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Honouring the Departed

When we are too young, we never care that we would grow old and die one day. When we feel healthy and nice, we often forget that we will suffer or die again. Buddhist belief in rebirth and cycle of rebirth. It is said that we are going to be born according to our action, merits and demerits. But Buddhism aims the high goal which will be stopped birth forever and no more pain again. Recently many educated people found out articles and researches on rebirth.

Honouring the departed one is useful because some people when they were alive did not care of doing merits or helping and seeing their own actions. After that few people roam around for helps from friends and relatives to gain some transformation of merits. That's why in Buddhism monks chants and transfer merits to the death people. Many Buddhists people do merits like giving, helping and offering alms food to the monks etc by which they share merits to the departed ones as well as for others and oneself.

Innocent and Kind

Let's be innocent and kind just like small child to whom animal or human are equal. The child feels that animal also part of her or his life. He or she feels that the animal also can be our best friend.

Care for Animals

I think that, every beings on earth love happiness, care, share and joy. No one in this world would love to suffer. Human beings are the most intelligent and clever beings and they should be highly kind enough to other innocent beings who would feel safety in us. Many domestic animals feel safe and nice with human beings because they take care and understand the feelings of another.

If we are real human beings, can't we share some love to the animals? They would be happy in their lifetime to be near us, and play with us around making our life more nice and enjoyable too. They would be nice to us also if we are nice to them.

Cruelty to Animal

 I don't know why some people are so cruel to animals. They never treate them as they have lives, pain, hunger etc. We like to be happy so they do too. Their lives are short and they need to be happy more. Let's see this picture in this short article how bad few kids did to this innocent dog.

Some kids placed strong firecracker in the mouth of this animal and made sure he could not open it. The world is like this. To these kids it must have been a macabre fun for a few minutes and then they continued with their life like nothing happened.

To this animal, his life ended during those minutes, with a pain so deep that is better to forget.

If you are against the mistreatment of animals, share this so that more people see what we are capable to do and how inhumane we could be.

Friends, I'm really sorry if this picture hurts you, I got hurt while posting too. I'm sharing this because of that I hope if some one near you tries to do these kind of things, you will at least try to tell them that this is really a harsh. Will you?

Kalama Sutta: Do not simply belief anything

Sometimes in our life, we can not simply belief anything because it can later becomes false. In Kalama Sutta Buddha stated clearly that:

 Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing, nor upon tradition,
  • nor upon rumor,
  • nor upon what is in a scripture,
  • nor upon surmise,
  • nor upon an axiom,
  • nor upon specious reasoning,
  • nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over,
  • nor upon another's seeming ability,
  • nor upon the consideration, "The monk is our teacher."
  • Kalamas, when you yourselves know: "These things are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness," enter on and abide in them.'

Compassion We Need Today

In Buddhism, loving-kindness, compassion and equinimity are encouraged. Sometimes through kindness towards others can heal someone sorrows just as compassiond does too. A little help to someone can generate a lot of kindness in others too. Helping and thinking of others can heal the whole world which is now a day so important without being so selfish.

Dalai Lama used to say, "All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives."

Another important thing he said is that "If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them." Isn't this quote make us get some idea how important to help others and if not at least not hurting them. I am so inspired by this quote.

Buddhism and Peace

This is my idea related short article. The world's population of people has increased and want of people also has increased so the crisis and increase of violence everywhere. Buddhism is one of the peace and respectable religion standing in the world of violence and crisis. Buddhism recently gained the praise of the Best Religion in the world given by all the religious leaders in the world. The Buddhist countries has less violence and war where many of the other religious faiths should try to take some examples from one another without discrimination.

Now a day, Buddhism has widely spread from Asia to the West. Buddhism encourages in purification of mind and heart which is important point. Meditation has become the best practise in daily life to reduce violence and anger in hearts and mind. The mental development is important to everyone because Buddhism belief everything is mind made and mind is the forerunner. Peace environment in Buddhist society is everywhere and making of garden, trees ordination in Buddhism and love for all beings in the world....

Teachings of Siddhartha Gautama

Buddha sometimes used to teach related to these topics:

1. Control your thoughts
2. Resist evil,
3. Free your mind of evil,
4. Work for the good of others,
5. Respect life,
6. Know the truth,
7. Say nothing to hurt others,
8. Practice meditation

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Be Patient and Calm

People always forget to see their heart. The mind and heart always not stable and steady. It always changes, if we don't control or see our feelings, it can give arise to new bad thought which can give result to bad action. Let us be patient endure ourself so that we can discipline ourself and others.

Beautiful thing to be at present

It is most beautiful thing to be present and keep our mind steady and nice. Buddhist people meditate to on present moment so that neither their past nor future can give them pain and worry for their lifetime.

Thich Nhat Hanh is famous for advsing people to be at present which is most beautiful things. Sometimes, people can enjoy a cup of tea if they really enjoy it with their present moment.

Gossip and hatred on others

Some poeple in the world loves gossip about others. Some people always worry about others others and take headache on others which is not necessary for them. They never look back to them and realize for themself which is important too. Buddha used to advise some disciples, not gossip or talk about useless things but to talk about good and important points on life when talking together.

There are some people i have seen where they find happy when they can talk and gossip about others. If they sit for a while and recollect themself what good and bad they did today, it would so nice for them and for others.

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