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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Honouring the Departed

When we are too young, we never care that we would grow old and die one day. When we feel healthy and nice, we often forget that we will suffer or die again. Buddhist belief in rebirth and cycle of rebirth. It is said that we are going to be born according to our action, merits and demerits. But Buddhism aims the high goal which will be stopped birth forever and no more pain again. Recently many educated people found out articles and researches on rebirth.

Honouring the departed one is useful because some people when they were alive did not care of doing merits or helping and seeing their own actions. After that few people roam around for helps from friends and relatives to gain some transformation of merits. That's why in Buddhism monks chants and transfer merits to the death people. Many Buddhists people do merits like giving, helping and offering alms food to the monks etc by which they share merits to the departed ones as well as for others and oneself.


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