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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Democracy in Buddhism

Buddha is the first one who introduced the democracy. When he was enlightened, he found many disciples who could follow him. But as 20 years passed, alot of monks and lay community built, and few criticism arose, then Buddha gave few disciplinary rules to follow everytime there arose some problems. Buddha even sent 60 Arahants to different parts of India to preach and advise people. Buddha had connection with kings, millionaires, rice and poor people equally.

Buddha even knew that, these monks are good for this thing and those monks are good for that thing etc. In modern day, in Thailand even, we find Sangha Administration Act:
  • Council of the elders (Sangha Supreme Council)
  • the supreme patriarch
  • the sangha sabha (parliament)
  • Gana Sanghamontri (cabinet)\
  • the sangha Nayaka (prime minister)
  • Sanghamontri (minister) etc.
  • - Mahadherasamakom (council of the Elders)
  • the Supreme Patriarch
  • Team of Senior Monks Working for the Supreme Patriarch


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