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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dhamma in Daily Life

We never know that our life would be so meaningful if we apply Dhamma in our daily life and activities. Some people know the secret of how to be peaceful while they enjoy the action they do. Some people do action with their mindfulness and awareness by which means they are calm and attentive in what they are doing without regret. Buddhism is more like lively and applicable teachings in our life. Life could be so meaningful if we know how to practise and use the time constantly calm with mindful.

There are many things in life which can be hectic to our life and sometimes we feel boring and tiring with our life. So, when we practise the daily meditation in our works there can not be a day of boring, every action we do would be meaningful and nice. Just like once Thich Nhat Hanh told that anyone can be happy even while they enjoy a cup of tea with awareness and calmness in their mind.


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