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Friday, December 30, 2011

Buddhism and Love of Nature

Buddhism and Love of Nature - by Ruci

Buddhism is much to say about nature and love of it. Sometimes we are not concern about it that modern days people are suffering from natural disaster and violence towards nature. From even life of the Buddha we clearly see that Buddha loves the nature.

Buddha was born under a tree, got enlightenment under a tree and passed away under a tree. And in Vinaya Pitaka, in many places we see that, even urinating or pouring hot water on the newly grown grass bad. If a man got shelter under a shady tree, and sleeps under a tree and when he goes a way breaking a branch of it; he is a bad friend. Even Buddha stopped the two group of people fighting over a river.

Buddha's building up a community of monks can be seen in a good way like, he has planned to reduced human population in the future by ordaining monks and nuns. Now a day, alot of human population. They fight for almost everything. Now countries are divided and missiles launching, and bombing everywhere and cutting down trees and forests in search of building houses and factories. The nature has enough to shelter us, but too greedy people are living in this world, not to share but to fight and store food. Human beings have harmed alot to nature, now a day alot of warnings from the nature, showing us by Tsunami, earth quack, flood etc.


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