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Monday, December 26, 2011

Belief of Ghosts in Buddhism

Buddhists people belief in ghosts. The ghosts in Buddhism sometimes can be categorized as Peta. Sometimes hungry ghosts are known in Buddhism. In Buddha's time, King Bimbisara told the Buddha that he can not sleep with so many noise made around by some hungry ghost disturbing him. When he reported to the Buddha, Buddha told that those hungry ghosts are his past relatives to whom he promised to share the merits to them. That's why they were asking and asking a share of merits to be reborn in a higher realms.

A group of monks about more than 600 were meditating in Putthamonthon few years when 2 monks told to the meditation masters that 2 ghosts came and asked them a share of merits. From then on, every full moon day (WanPhra) who participate in meditation campaign there chant parittas and share merits to those dead and ghosts who were suffering in the lower realm of existence.


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