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Monday, December 26, 2011

Introduction to Buddhism and Superstitious Belief

Buddhism is more than 2500 years old. The teachings of the Buddha has been recorded in Tipitaka. The Tipitaka is known as the Three Baskets which contains Disciplinary Codes for monks and nuns, Teachings of Buddha and Abhidhamma.

Many Buddhists people have developed many kinds of belief since many centuries ago. Buddha himself said in Kalama Sutta not to simple belief by hearing, seeing and reading unless we know ourself with common sense and wisdom. He even told us that we are our own saviour, no one can save us. And he told to the disciples that, if anyone sees Dhamma means sees the Buddha. Dhamma and Vinaya would be the teacher after Buddha's passing away.

These days, many Buddhist people without much understanding the teachings of the Buddha develop some kinds of belief which Buddha never encouraged. But certain things are acceptable for the spreading of Buddhism. As we know that, Buddhism in few countries like Thailand, Cambodia, Laos etc, are practised with few mixture of Buddhism, Brahmanism and Hinduism. Few ceremonies are conducted by some Brahmins. In few Wats (temples), there are some Shivalinga, some Mahayana Bodhisattvas with many hands, few amulets are sold and many kinds of gods and goddesses images. Ofcourse for few people, the belief is too strong and can be seperated from them. Many people are happy by belief those. But Thailand, Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar and Sri Lanka are recongnised as Theravada Buddhist countries while China, Japan, Korea, Tibet and Vietnam are known as Mahayana Buddhist countries. But many wise Buddhist teachers encouraged mostly on meditation which are better for many people in modern days.


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