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Friday, December 30, 2011

Venerable Zhuan Xhang

This venerable had an adventure history where he was ordained as Buddhist novice in a monastery in China. He journeyed to India to study Buddhist scriptures and Sanskrit. He used to live many many hudreds years ago where long journey could be taken only with horses and carts by land. So, he traveled with a horse and in the "Journey to the West" story, it shows that, he found three great disciples one of them was a monkey. The movie is still famous in China. This monk determination and motivation let him traveled to India with difficulties. After he arrived in Indian, he learned everything he could learn. He has left history behind everywhere when we read the history of Buddhism. He wrote down few books and even carried to China as i know and spread Buddhism in China and on the way he has faced. His works and times were recorded in few books of Buddhism and even a big memorial temple in his name in India.


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